Londoner born and raised, but living in the north for the last 15 years. All things dark and esoteric, if it sounds like the sort of thing that was recorded in a biscuit tin then it’s probably my thing.
2 bands, 4 songs, 9 minutes, 27 seconds of absolute rage and devastation centred on big dumb riffs. An absolute aural assault, this is unapologetic knuckle-dragging hardcore and absolutely nobody should be sleeping on this release.
Rare are the moments where a band can blend devastation and beauty without one sounding compromised.
Finnish metal that isn’t overloaded with silly folk stuff trying to be “fun” or spouting lyrics which could have come directly from the mouth of a certain 20th century dictator? Yes please!
A debut album that is front to back bangers is no mean feat, let alone to do it all showing an emotional intent far beyond the usual expectations. The hard work on crafting this has well and truly paid off.
Sludge laden blackened-death punks and certified rifflords, Mantar, return with their latest slice of pure filth. Back to basics maybe, all the subtlety of a brick to the face, absolutely - in the best possible way.