I like guitars that sound like synths and synths that sound llke guitars. she/her
After a successful start in 2024, the four creative minds of noise rock collective The None return for a second round with four new abrasive and enticing tracks.
The Rock Band Thank Make A New Album Of Rock Music That Is Tangentially Related To Leeds.
Xiu Xiu have moved to Berlin, have got friendlier, but first appearances aren't everything.
The second day of London's premier indoor alternative, experimental, math-rock, and post-rock festival. Despite being on a sleepier Sunday, the lineup is just as varied as the name has come to mean.
Surprise! There’s a new Johnny Foreigner EP! And an album coming sometime later! Get yr headphones on.
Perennial push their one and a half miniature banger formula further, and continue their ambient experiments.
Battling through a hiatus caused by burn out and lockdown, Indoor Pets come back with refinement and a new sound.