The Bristol 3-piece have recorded another granitine slab of music.
Sylosis get ever closer to their final form with the brilliantly well produced A Sign Of Things To Come.
Dichotomy is always a nice way to induce creative trauma. Reformat are aiming to do just that with their latest release Precursed.
Do you like your death metal to be of the obscure 80’s prog metal inspired variety? If you do then look no further than Horrendous’ latest work, Ontological Mysterium (OM).
Bludgeoning riffs and blood soaked vocals are the order of the day with Torture Rack's latest offering.
To give birth to something that takes the listener from happiness, to sadness, whilst being drenched in anger is not an easy thing to complete, and for it all to come from one person makes this even more impressive.
Earth Reaper is more than just a sludgy slab of extreme metal, it’s an expansive narrative spanning forty odd minutes, as well as space and time itself.
From the burbling, fuzz ridden baselines to soaring vocals and death metal growls Severance by New York duo Netherlands drags you on an adventure over mountains, through dense urban sprawl and haunted ethereal soundscapes.