Photo Credit:
Connor Mason
October 15, 2022|LIVE REVIEW

Live Review: Parkway Drive, While She Sleeps & Lorna Shore | Alexandra Palace, London | 30/09/2022

The metalcore titans return to Alexandra Palace again to deliver a spectacular live show, supported by two of the biggest names in heavy music. After waiting through two years of postponements this was set to be a night to remember.

Lorna Shore

The American deathcore group have soared into the eyesight of most heavy music fans over the last year or so. Because of this it was no shock to see plenty of Lorna Shore Tees on display in the crowds heading to Alexandra Palace. This in mind, with their set only 30 minutes after doors and the queue still extending around the outer walls, they began ‘To The Hellfire’ to a surprisingly empty room. Credit where it is due, they gave it 100% from the start with vocalist Will Ramos delivering an powerful performance from the first line. The room filled in spectacular fashion too, with Lorna Shore ripping through ‘Of The Abyss’, ‘SunEater’ and more with satisfying ferocity as pits opened and bodies packed the great hall. A special mention goes to Michael Yager who dropped the bass and picked up the sticks to fill in on drums increasingly due to Austin Archey’s absence. The New Jersey crew did a very solid job, though perhaps rooms of this size are a bit spacious for them currently, taking some of the bite out of their sound. However, as their 30 minutes ended they were cheered offstage to an impressed and adoring crowd, an undeniably well-earned reaction.

Photo Credit:
Connor Mason

Score: 7/10

While She Sleeps

While She Sleeps took up main support reigns. To describe the set that followed needs only one word – flawless. From song to song the British metalcore heavyweights had thousands in the palm of their hand with moshpits, crowdsurfers, singalongs and an all-round energy that encompassed why we all love live music. The roaring of the crowd was only overpowered by the 5-pieces iconic melodies as they tore through ‘Antisocial’, ‘You Are All You Need’, ‘Eye To Eye’ and many more of their newer tracks. This was interspersed with fan favourites and certified scene classics like ‘You Are We’. Lawrence Taylor maintained the spiteful power in his screams throughout, layered by Sean Long’s awesome backing vocals. While She Sleeps truly made their mark on Alexandra Palace and their headline show on September 23rd 2023 will surely be another one to remember. What a performance.

Photo Credit:
Connor Mason

Score: 10/10

Parkway Drive

Finally, after Johnny Cash’s ‘Hurt’ fades away and the lights dim, Parkway Drive take their mark. Many will agree that seeing Parkway is an all-round experience more than just a set of songs, nothing quite encapsulates this like the tangible change in atmosphere the moments before their show begins. Hellborn pyrotechnics, other-worldly lighting and a drum sound that shook the foundations of the capital city itself guided the Aussies through an hour and a half of emotion and energy. The anthemic singalongs of ‘Carrion’, the elegance of the string section in ‘Cemetery Bloom’, the chaotic power of ‘Karma’ – Parkway executed their set to perfection. While it is true that the older material appears less and is admittedly written for venues much smaller than ones like Alexandra Palace, it still carries force and meaning through the emotion and undeniable heaviness invoked. Material from ‘Ire’, ‘Reverence’ and new release ’Darker Still’ features primarily, the tight delivery and charismatic performance of these giving them their own place as stadium-worthy tracks. Winston McCall’s onstage joy is infectious, a force of nature himself. Soaring solos by Jeff Ling and marching riffs from Luke Kilpatrick shepherd the enormous crowd between songs. Jia O’Connor lays down bass to contribute to a massive-sounding rhythm section alongside Ben Gordon who was a standout performer behind the kit. As the encore begins, ‘Crushed’ spews fire and brutality as the relentless pits continue their onslaught, only quelled as the ‘woah-oh-ohs’ of ‘Wild Eyes’ begin. The set-closer is incredible, with the crowd held in utter awe throughout. There was no other way they could have chosen to end their set than this, a closing moment that left Alexandra Palace raised higher than mountains and equally flattened to rubble. Long live Parkway Drive, shows like this remind us to appreciate their role in heavy music over the last 2 decades.

Photo Credit:
Connor Mason

Score: 10/10