With a joint love of everything noisey and a 'not giving a fuck' attitude. Take what you know about these four and turn it on its head. This is pure musical licence and freedom.
The term ‘supergroup’ is bandied around too often when describing a cumulation of forces from multiple legendary (whether underground or mainstream) sources. However The None prefer to approach their new project with an egoless mindset, hence the anonymity behind the name. This absolutely does not diminish from the four talented individuals involved and their varying degrees of success in bands such as Cassels, Frauds, Youth Man & Young Legionnaire/Bloc Party. But why even mention these stellar bands? The None is an opportunity to stretch individual musical talents and share new ideas with fellow turbulence makers.
Bassist Gordon Moakes, driven by his urge to play again after moving back to the U.K. from the U.S. and with no active projects on the cards, approached Jim Beck (guitar), who then in turn helped drummer Chris Francombe on board. ‘It took ages.’ Gordon explains, ‘And then it started to fit together fairly quickly. We got 2 or 3 songs kind of in place.’ Yet the final piece of vocalist took some time but they landed on their first choice, Kaila Whyte. ‘Chris & I immediately said Kay and then we didn’t think as they are living in Birmingham. Months went by, I remember Gordon sending a really forlorn message.’ Jim continues. ‘Then we text and you [Kaila] replied within 20 minutes haha.’ Like putting adverts up in music shops as teenagers starting their first band it was a stuttering start, but with the right person, in the right place, at the right time it soon all clicked.
‘They had been working for a while and then I came on board and it was ready to go…we had 2 or 3 practices and we started recording.’ As Kaila gives insight to the instantaneous chemistry between the quartet. ‘I think all our styles aligned which I never really had.’ It is quickly apparent how every member in the [Zoom] room is comfortable, can speak their mind and yet not step on anyone’s toes whether in conversation or musically. ‘It is a product of how we all work’ says Gordon. ‘It’s just been so easy’ Chris reiterates whilst sipping a beer on the call in the Montenegro sunset. Rarely seen is a new band starting their lifespan so calmly and at ease.
‘I think there reaches a point if you’ve been doing it long enough you found the things you enjoy so you learn to focus on those. Not thinking everything is so important, like the end of the world. The main thing is just remembering to enjoy it, just writing songs and playing. Focusing on that and let everything else just come.’ ‘And we trust each other’s taste.’ Kaila adds and Chris agrees ‘No one’s very protective over anything we are just trying to serve the songs.’
It is a collaborative table, free of rules. Chris, Jim and Kaila also being able to focus solely on one element rather than their respective two headed projects bringing a new found freedom to their hands and voices. ‘Haha yes, Jim and I have agreed it is wonderful not being a singer!’ Chris laughs. ‘As a two piece it is all about being as loud as possible.’ ‘As a four piece it is being as loud as possible but now it is was easier to figure out’ Jim adds. ‘It is more focused, having a counterpoint is quite nice. [Being in a duo] throws up unique things which can be interesting. But it’s nice to take a break and not play for a bit.’ “I didn’t realise how much I was limiting my vocal ability,” Kaila continues, ‘I can now focus on singing and Chris and Jim have more capacity to deliver.’
What they certainly deliver is a brilliant layer cake of noise, adjacent to an oozing groove and vocal melody weaved in. The main aim was to be as direct as possible. ‘I listened to a lot of USA Nails, Meat Wave, Pissed Jeans. I don’t think that was ever going to dictate things, but it was a starting point.’ Gordon pointing to their inspirations. Again with no pressure put on themselves, ‘I’ve been playing the wrong note and I’m like, this sounds better.’ he continues. ‘We got lost down rabbit holes and repetitions of how many bars each section should be. But apart from that we just see where pieces fit.’
Now with a couple of solid shows under their belts in which the crowds went in blind and yet The None received an overwhelmingly positive reaction, they are now set for not just another headline in London in October at the Victoria, a slot at Supersonic Festival in Birmingham alongside the likes of Melt Banana and Emma Ruth Rundle but also they have been asked to tag along with legendary Canadians Metz in November.
‘Metz signed off on us really quickly and we were shocked as they are infamous for not agreeing and they all have to agree on who the support is. It is supposedly one of the quickest times they have signed off on a support which was really nice.’ Jim explains. ‘It’s a badge of honour. Not that we are ever looking for validation necessarily, but it obviously shows people are connecting with [it].’
And with just two singles out and with their debut EP ‘MATTER’ out this week on the 29th the jury is not out, they have returned and given a huge thumbs up on The None.