Label mates Skin Failure and InTechnicolour both head out on tour this week. We get a taste of the chaos that will surely ensue in the coming weeks and what t-shirts they will be taking scissors to.
Brighton based label come recording studio, Small Pond, is as busy as ever. Not only do they consistently put out great records (see CLT DRP, Voronoi and Sugar Horse as a prime examples), record live sessions and run a studio day in day out, Vlad Matveikov (bass) and Dave Jackson (guitar) also have the time to put out a second record with their outfit InTechnicolour and sign the amalgamation of talent that is Skin Failure.
We got them together with Will Gardner (vocals for Skin Failure), Toby Stewart and Paul Stallan (guitars) to comment on each other’s music and peer into the antics that may occur on tour this month.
Toby: “Paul and Dave Larkin (bass) used to be in a band Kainoah.”
Will: “Quinoa!”
Toby: “Ha! Paul wanted to do something with Sam. I wanted to something with Dave so we said let’s all get in a garage and jam. It was just going to be a recording project but then became more.”
Will: “They had just finished demoing ‘Full Throttle Nothing pt2’ and they sent me some riffs and the demo and I was like ‘This is really good’. I couldn’t imagine myself doing it until I sent them over the shout of ‘Alright!’ and now I come down twice a month and sleep on old brown. *Gestures to sofa behind Paul on camera*”
Will: “I sent it to Vlad but thought the guys were so busy, they’ve got so much great stuff going on at the moment, I just didn’t think Dave & Vlad would have the time or capacity to pick us up but then…”
Vlad: “We didn’t! At the label there’s only a few of us working it. Dave is also busy with Delta Sleep. Will mentioned the record and we are thinking about ways of putting it out. We had a distributor in Brighton which I was going to pass the record onto and then I listened to the record. I didn’t want to send it to them! The guys wanted it out by Halloween but somehow, we brought ideas together for comic strip, message for your pals in Sugar Horse on the packaging. All these ideas were falling into place, and we couldn’t not do it.”
Dave: “I have always been a huge thrash metal fan. My birth into music was early Megadeth, Testament, Anthrax, always into something fast and heavy. Also it is funny to have Natalie Evans and Skin Failure on the same label as well, just to really confuse everybody.
Dave: “I think it helped it come out for sure haha! I don’t think it inspired me and Vlad but maybe Tobie (InTechnicolour vocalist). It was recorded in January 2020 before the first album came out. That’s what normal bands do right? Record two albums and put one out, right? But Tobie did finish his lyrics later which had darker themes and the artwork was inspired by dark times. It has got that moody eerie sludgy vibe to it too, so some elements maybe were inspired by that time.”
Will: “I listened to the three InTechnicolour singles and one remix come cover I worked on with Paul (to be released). I have redone Tobie’s vocals on ‘Bloodmoonshine’. It was awesome as you don’t really get to appreciate what someone else is doing.”
Paul:”Yes, re-imagining that was cool. I really like the album and it’s got all the hallmarks of doom, sludge but also seems so chilled as well. Mellow in the best kind of way.”
Vlad: “By the way Paul you nailed those riffs. The album opens with those little horn sounds like Orcs marching to war and you’ve taken it and laid down some disgusting riffs on it. Sounds like they’ve already arrived at war.”
Pauls: “Orcs on motorbikes, that’s what it’s all about.”
Toby: “I listened to the album today, it was shitting it down and it was the perfect soundtrack. It’s got the dark, doomy elements but shoegazey bits as well. Can’t wait to see it on tour every night.”
Vlad: [On Radillac] there are certain sneaky riffs, *sings the ‘Full Throttle Nothing pt 2’ opening riff*, that little bit you perks you up. At first you had my curiosity now you have my attention. That Remy LeBeau skit I listened to it three times before I moved on.”
Will: “Really?”
Vlad: “Yeah it didn’t get old. There are those bits that sneak up on you. It makes you feel childish in a world that’s very busy and dangerous.”
Dave:” I loved the song names in general. Very boring but you have to do all the meta data when you submit an album. So going through and writing all these song names out. Every fucking song name is 40 characters long, I can’t remember the name of any of them now! Latest single ‘Sleeveless Jesus’ is great. Sounds like Gojira with some heavy chugs in there.”
Will: “Paul?”
Paul: “Don’t look at me! We (Kainoah) only played like three shows, all in Bristol. Someone said Skin Failure was Memory of Elephants, ex members of Black Peaks and a fishmonger from Bath are playing together!”
Will: “I have a lot of shared stories with Vlad. The second tour I ever did was with him. We went around in his mum’s people carrier. Got weird everyday and drove all over Spain. Best time, ups and downs. Speeding fines on his mum’s car.”
Vald: “Yeah we were sat on a beach drinking beers, smoking. You were drawing out music theory in the sand on the beach. We were connecting with music theory for the first time then realised we were six hours away from the next venue. Irresponsible as we accumulated more parking fines than the guarantee of the entire tour. Best time.”
Toby: “We broke down just outside Birmingham and we had smoked a lot and were high. There was no hard shoulder so we were in the middle of the motorway. We get in the traffic officer’s van high as but they didn’t notice a thing! The tow truck guy however turned up and was like ‘how much weed have you lads been smoking?”
Will: Didn’t he drop you off then go straight to the pub?
Toby: “Yeah he was like I’m dropping you off my mate is picking you up then I’m off down the pub. Think he was drunk. It was weird and little bit scary.”
Vlad: “Good job you were stoned, it must’ve been a really slow breakdown.”
Will: “Vlad!”
Vlad: “Oh man those days are behind me! As an aging man who has lower back pains and afraid of modernisation and change, I will be driving in my old Volvo behind the tour van shouting at traffic drinking Costa coffee.”
Paul: “It is always going to be Toby. He chugged the most beer at ATG, most amount of beer at the secret gig.”
Dave: “Skin Failure are mullets and riffs.”
Vlad: “It is exactly what it says on the tin. Time machine to be 16 again and careless fun.”
Paul: “Shamefully I only saw InTechnicolour this year at ArcTanGent but you are all very tall so I’m going to say lanky.”
Dave: Haha that’s fair.
Will: “Messy.”
Dave: “Volvo.”
Vlad: “Mullet.”
Paul: “Added yeast for all the beers.”
Whose hair is getting shaved into a mullet on tour?
Will: I’m coming for your hair Vlad. I’m going for the undercut.
Vlad: “Don’t you dare! As an aging man, this is my last chance.”
Dave: “I’m wearing a hair net the whole time! My mum says I’ve got a big widows peak.”
Paul: “My widows peak finished a long time ago!”
Will: “I remember Vlad at ArcTanGent. He looked shocked at us shaving mullets. I pointed at him and went ‘you!’ and he ran off.”
Vlad: “I’ll make you a deal right now. If you get a mullet done onstage at these shows I’ll let you undercut my hair.”
Will: “Yeah absolutely!”
Toby: “Done.”
Vlad: “I’ve fucked it. Tens of people going to be pouring on stage.”
Dave: “You mean 1’s haha!”
Will: “Bossk, Mastodon, Palm Reader.”
Vlad: “I’ve definitely upset Ash from Sugar Horse for cutting off the sleeves off their Metallica rip off tee.”
Paul: Who gives a shit what they think anyways?”
Vlad: “It’s just masking the pleasure of me delivering that news.”
Will: “We should give scissors to the security as the shows. None is getting in unless they cut their sleeves off.”
Toby: “Send a formal application to”
Will: “‘The Gathering’ by Testament. Great production and vocals. They rebirthed and relit my thrash fires.”
Dave: “The song ‘Tornado Of Souls’ by Megadeth.”
Paul: “Anything by Enforced I love at the moment. Back to front just amazing records. Also Power Trip and finally Mutoid Man for the speed metal element.”
Toby:” Yeah I am a massive Power Trip fan. Our friends in Wasted Death are doing some cool things with thrash. Been listening to so much Mastodon lately too with. Love their thrash elements. Oh Hellripper as well!”
Vlad: “Mutoid Man for sure. I went to Roadburn the year they played. It’s that silly fun but genuine. It is reaffirmation that you do not need to grow up.”
Finally, best facial hair out of the two bands?
All: “Toby.”
Dave: “You look like a 90s Hetfield with that ‘tache.
Toby: “Thanks boys I needed that.”