Bowling for Soup are returning to the UK next month with the “Get Happy Tour”.
The band’ll be bringing previous tour collaborators Army of Freshmen and the costumed crusaders Aquabats across the Atlantic for the first Get Happy! in 11 years. Sure to be a treat for fans of all three of the bands the tour will playing in nine cities across the country including Cardiff, Glasgow and London. All three acts have spanned lengthy careers making it an evening for celebrations. Ventura, CA spawned Army of Freshman will be playing “Under the Radar” – their third record from way back in 2006 – in full to celebrate the groups 20th anniversary and headliners Bowling For Soup playing their 2002 fourth record “Drunk Enough to Dance”. This revival of the “Get Happy Tour” will be the first time Aquabats are playing the UK in five years, so hardcore fans will need to be fast to feast their eyes on what’s sure to be a spectacle. Tour Dates as follows: Friday 9th February 2018 – O2 Academy, Glasgow, UK Saturday 10th February 2018 – O2 Academy, Newcastle, UK Sunday 11th February 2018 – O2 Academy, Sheffield, UK Monday 12th February 2018 – Rock City, Nottingham, UK Tuesday 13th February 2018 – O2 Academy, Birmingham, UK Wednesday 14th February 2018 – UEA, Norwich, UK Thursday 15th February 2018 – O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK Friday 16th February 2018 – Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, UK Saturday 17th February 2018 – O2 Brixton Academy, London, UK Tickets avaliable for each date are still onsale at: