Skin Failure have come together set fire to your expectations based on their collective work previously. Swallow it, spit it out and ignite it again with Radillac. This fiery debut is a tribute to thrash music and a supposed fictional interdimensional ‘Jesus’? It’s a spicy meatball regardless of the context.
The story of said ‘Jesus’, ‘flung into an amphetamine-powered wormhole and travelling through time and space’ alongside the hellish artwork and comic strip (for those who picked up the bundle), it is quick to assume that Radillac may be a pedal to the metal record. Rarely slowing below 50kmph in fear of incinerating those that dare to listen.
The intro prepares you to be sent into the void against you will much like the character at the centre of this journey. First track ‘Sleeveless Jesus / The Void’ plays straight into the many cards they have to hand: riffs that have chugged as much beer as they did Friday night, pummelling drums and the crazy vocal range of Will Gardner (who many are very pleased to see back with a mic in hand). Drummer, Sam Simpson, working harder than he ever has with hammer blows to the kit. As the bridge throws you into the aforementioned void. Floating forever into the darkness before elements of black metal strip bubble up. The devil is coming for Christ. The central epic build is face meltingly wonderful as they transition into the latter part of the track which two horns and two middle fingers squarely up at you and yours served up with a cheeky side smile.
‘Meat Pond/Down By The River’ is fierce, full throttle face melting metal. The combination of Memory of Elephants technicality and ex-Black Peaks Will Gardner’s soaring banshee-like screams will send a tingle down the coldest of spines. What the two part songs showcase is almost a schizophrenic nature in the styles, flipping between hardcore and metal but equally as intense.
A quick breather as funny man Ed Gamble enters the fray with added weirdness in skit ‘Remy LeBeau’s Big Pile of Bones’. This Mighty Boosh-esque character a nice touch to the imagery created in the minds of the listeners. A later interlude adds psychedelic elements. Is this Jesus or the aliens sending a message?
‘Full throttle nothing pt2/The Montage’ is full pelt thrash. Sam’s feet and hands are smoking at this point across the drum kit with the speed they are going at. Spat out at the with cheers for surviving that three and bit minute onslaught
‘The Beast Awaketh/A Hole in the Sky’ is metal cheese at it’s best with all the guitar squeals and high notes oh and a few electronic spaceship noises, most likely thrown in with the help of electronics master come producer on this record Wayne Adams (Petbrick/Big Lad). A chug heavy breakdown is full headbanger’s ball as Will reaches the depths of his vocal range. The devil horns have fully formed at this point.
‘Give’r By the River/As Bridges Fell (Metal Alarm Call)’ (a stupidly long song name in all honesty) brands your backside as the onslaught continues. ‘Fist! Power!’ surely will become a fan favourite to shout back at shows. And closer ‘Radical One/Amphetamine Dreamland’ is booming with more chugs than a chuggaboom could boom.
The outer space ending to the record leaving you bewildered to what the hell just happened in just under half an hour. Your ear drums have been ripped out, put in a blender with Carolina reaper chillis, added to a lava like cocktail, drank by the band and flushed down the toilet. It’s certainly a ride this record, and you should definitely travel through time and space to catch Skin Failure live soon.