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July 12, 2023| RELEASE REVIEW

Voyager – Fearless in Love | Album Review

Australian prog outfit Voyager stay true to their name on their newset effort, taking the listener on a journey through space, time and riffs. Time to buckle up.

Hot off the heels of their Eurovision finals appearance, Voyager present us with their 8th full length release, Fearless in Love – and what a performance it is. The album starts off with ‘The Best Intentions’, dancing synths and catchy vocals setting the tone for what’s to come, before the band jump into action in their typical energetic way.

Groove-laden previous single ‘Prince of Fire’ and dreamy ‘Ultraviolet’ follow, a reminder of just how well the band can seamlessly blend catchy vocals, tasty drum patterns and heavy prog chops. Don’t let the accessible hooks and glittery synths fool you though – behind the curtain, icy riffs run in this album’s veins. Eurovision hit ‘Promise’ displays the band’s charisma and energy in heaps, with the band enjoying a well-deserved boost in publicity well beyond the prog-sphere.

The best word to sum up Fearless in Love is triumphant. Soaring vocal passages take off like jet planes over a parade of glimmering electronics and chunky guitar parts, making for a truly special listen. Indeed, the dancehall beats and pop passages elevate the record to an almost theatrical level, while stellar guitar work, courtesy of axe-wielders Simone Dow and Scott Kay, will still please prog fans everywhere. Showing they’ve mastered the art of song writing, the riffs are never distracting, even when taking centre stage between your ears. Dow’s epic guitar solos shine throughout the album, injecting flaming hot pyrotechnics into the mix just when it’s needed, duelling against vocalist Danny Estrin’s keytar in the climax of ‘Promise’.

Rumbling underneath the bombastic display is Alex Canion on bass and backing vocals, providing an essential layer of support for the band’s sound. Through odd time signatures, addictive grooves and quiet passages, he sticks to the track like glue – even having a moment to himself on laid-back prog masterpiece ‘Listen’.

Don’t let the accessible hooks and glittery synths fool you – behind the curtain, icy riffs run in this album’s veins

Behind the kit, Ashley Doodkorte remains a powerhouse, maintaining the excitement until the end, laying down smooth drumming along every twist and turn. His understanding of composition really shines here, making sure the parts fit the song perfectly, whilst still deploying killer fills and cymbal wizardry.

‘Submarine’ is a prime example of the band working together to create an ecstatic atmosphere. Estrin’s soothing vocal melodies carry the song forwards as it dives into a sea of shimmering synths and guitar arrangements. When the song reaches its dramatic crescendo with a glorious high note, you can almost visualise the standing ovation.

What’s truly impressive about Fearless in Love is that it always stays interesting; there’s no shortage of creativity here, it’s a streamlined experience that grabs you from the start. Voyager mean business here, and it’s very clear that they’re in the business of fun.


Score: 9/10
