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August 30, 2024| RELEASE REVIEW

Worn Out – Low | EP Review

Worn Out sink to hellish new depths with latest summoning 'Low'

Not since the days of Altar of Plagues has Cork unleashed anything as ferocious as Worn Out and with new EP Low in the chamber be prepared for an uncompromising slice of metallic hardcore. This is an adrenaline surge to awaken the deepest slumbers. This four track cannon blast takes no prisoners in its onslaught with vocalist Xander Coughlan barking and shrieking without barely taking a breath, his cadence bringing back some memories of those Hollow Crown Sam Carter days. First track ‘Deeper’ is a metallic stampede which rattles the senses with Every Time I Die on one hand and Converge on the other creating this almighty powerhouse combination. Although an assault on all the senses it harbours a great sense of melody within the guitars which ear worm their way into the vessel of each track and thanks to the crisp nature of the mixing by Joe Clayton (Pijn, Leeched) it creates distinct identity as the Every Time I Die influence helps the guitars bounce and ricochet from track to track. 

Although their sound leaves them closer to Dying Wish than Deftones, it’s the latter that begins to emerge as it rumbles to thunderous depths thanks to Alex Heinrich on guitars and Brian Bowell on bass as closer ‘Collapse’ which, across its near 6 minutes has panic stricken sections of open space which you would be forgiven if you expected a clean sung section only to be clotheslined by Xander, whose vocals pierce and scar with every tortuous syllable. Even though Worn Out have their influences firmly on display here their hardcore heart is worn on the sleeve as the two-step moments and pit opportunities lie around every corner as ‘Twisting Knives’ and ‘Lose Sleep’ bring the riffs and downtempo enough to steamroll like relentless machinery operating only to flatten all in its path. These four sledgehammer tracks will shake the walls within a live setting as those attending their headline tour in October with Grief Ritual and Lure In will soon witness.

Worn Out stand as a pillar of community in Ireland’s music scene as Evan Prendergast, whose drumming on Low is only matched by his ability to bring the most exciting bands to Ireland through his Deadcult Promotions. But on this evidence it will be Worn Out deservedly gracing mainland Europe and beyond. 

Score: 8/10

Worn Out